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Introducing Rangeforce: The Future of Cybersecurity Training



Cybersecurity skills have never been more important than they are today, but the field has also never been more confusing to navigate. If you’re trying to get your foot in the door or improve your existing skills, you probably have no idea where to start. To make things worse, there isn’t any real consensus about what you should know or learn, which makes it hard to know whether you’re learning the right things and getting good training that will be relevant when you go to look for work later on.

What is Rangeforce?

Rangeforce is a cybersecurity training and skills platform that offers interactive coaching experiences for both cyber defenders and attackers. Defenders get access to cutting-edge tutorials and attack scenarios, while attackers can hone their skills with an immersive environment and earn rewards. With Rangeforce, you’ll always have what it takes to keep your business secure from hackers or break into theirs. All at no cost! To learn more about how Rangeforce works, visit our website. To join our community of professionals interested in sharing ideas and learning about security threats and best practices, sign up for our newsletter today!

How does it work?

At Rangeforce, we use interactive simulations to bring our customers' online training experience to life. When a breach occurs at one of our clients, we pull data from that cyber-attack and create a simulation that offers invaluable real-world training—all without exposing any personal customer information. Our customers love it because they are getting hands-on experience with realistic scenarios and trying out their own techniques before deploying them in live situations. Because we have such high standards for our simulations, companies also appreciate knowing their employees are receiving relevant and up-to-date cybersecurity training.

Impact & Applications

Every industry is at risk of cyberattacks, so it’s critical that every employee receive comprehensive training in how to recognize and prevent these attacks. Unfortunately, many organizations suffer from a lack of experienced trainers, leaving employees without adequate skillsets. To help solve that problem, we’ve created an interactive platform called Rangeforce. It uses state-of-the-art technology to help students learn and retain information by offering immersive experience simulations.

Who Can Use It?

Anybody who wants to get better at cybersecurity, whether that's a business owner trying to safeguard a company's data or an individual looking to protect personal information. All skill levels are welcome, too; we're not just training experts and letting newbies fend for themselves. Instead, we're making sure no one falls behind on their cybersecurity knowledge.

What are Customers Saying?

We’ve gotten a ton of feedback from customers on what they’re looking for and where they have pain points. Here are some highlights:One customer told us he can’t find enough cybersecurity courses online. Another customer said that a complete lack of certification options is confusing to his employees, who are all over different stages in their careers, and it makes them feel like there aren't opportunities for growth or improvement at his company. Yet another customer told us that cybersecurity is hard to learn, but doing so will prevent you from losing your job... or much worse! A few people talked about how resource-intensive learning can be when you're trying to balance work and personal life—and suggested we get directly involved with employers to help automate some processes around onboarding.

What makes us different from competition?

What makes us different is our method to engage users and reward them for learning with what we call Rangecoins. What we’re creating is a system that incentivizes user engagement through gamification and rewards them with RFR tokens; these tokens can be cashed out for real money at any time, making it far more effective than just watching a video or reading a paper once or twice. Additionally, as mentioned above, RFR tokens will be used on our marketplace to purchase or sell premium training resources created by industry leaders and experts. Our goal is to make advanced education affordable, accessible, and most importantly, highly effective.

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