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Epik Prime: The Non-Fungible Token Platform Working With AAA Game Developers


Trust, integrity, and transparency are the core of all successful businesses. That’s why Epik has committed to these values since its inception in 2015, even partnering with AAA game developers to guarantee that it will continue doing so in the future. Today, after years of development and refinement, we’re thrilled to introduce Epik Prime, a non-fungible token (NFT) platform that will continue Epik’s commitment to becoming the most trustworthy and transparent entity in the space. But what makes this platform so special?

1 - Putting Gamers First

At Epik, we're working to build a blockchain ecosystem focused on providing consumers with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that have real value. In order to do so, we must start by addressing a crucial problem facing all game developers and publishers today. That problem is precisely what makes gamers so angry about rising costs in free-to-play gaming: microtransactions.

2 - An Ecosystem to Enable Innovation in Games

3 - Quick Summary

NFT Marketplaces Are Coming and Going to Change Crypto Games Forever (Miko Matsumura) To date, there have been several high profile attempts at launching non-fungible token marketplaces, but they have all failed. Some were launched by well known projects like Ethereum or Augur, while others came from unknown teams with no track record.

4 - Proof of Concept in Progress

he team at Epik has already released an NFT game on Ethereum. It’s called CryptoKitties, and it was so popular that it clogged up the entire Ethereum network, delaying transactions for hours or even days. While there are other NFT games in development, CryptoKitties is still one of a kind. In fact, it’s so popular that there are several CryptoKitty millionaires who have earned millions of dollars selling their unique digital cats to collectors around the world. It’s proof that NFT games can be fun and profitable – but also a warning about how quickly they can take over your computer if you aren’t careful!

5 - Why We Do What We Do

Epik believes in creating not just great games, but also great communities. To do that, we're building a non-fungible token (NFT) platform that makes it easier for gamers to connect with one another through video games like never before. NFTs can’t be replicated or faked; they’re 100% authentic and provably unique, so they allow people to own and validate their digital assets in ways previously impossible without relying on central authorities. Because of our focus on NFTs, we’ve quickly become a crypto currency company as well—and now we’re using both platforms to drive adoption of cryptocurrencies throughout gaming as well as connecting players who want to get more out of their gameplay experiences. And because we believe in taking care of our employees, partners, and community members, we’re doing all of this while trying to give back to those around us too. At its core, Epik is about helping gamers play better together by giving them new tools that make it easy to find each other across game titles regardless of what game they’re playing. And while crypto currencies are part of what drives us forward today, we hope there will come a day when people don't think about crypto currencies at all—they'll simply use them because they make sense for their needs.

6 - What to Expect Next

to start a game on Epik, you need to have a NFT (non fungible token) ready. You can use any ERC721 compliant wallet, but for more advanced features we recommend using our own wallet. We will be releasing our open source SDK soon and will publish instructions on how to get started with it. We’re also working on a step by step guide for getting your first NFT created and deployed onto Epik in less than 30 minutes! Stay tuned!

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