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Introducing Cat Toothpaste: The New Way to Keep Your Cat's Teeth Healthy



Have you ever wondered if your cat has the same dental problems that you do? A healthy mouth starts with brushing your teeth every day, but if you have a cat, he or she may not be very interested in the toothpaste you use. However, there’s now a solution to this problem with Cat Toothpaste! This paste uses natural ingredients like glycerin and aloe vera that cats love but will also help keep their teeth and gums clean and healthy. Plus, it’s not just for cats! This toothpaste can be used on dogs as well!

What Causes Cavities?

One of the leading causes of tooth decay is frequent consumption of sugary drinks and snacks. If you’re concerned about your cat’s teeth, make sure they don’t have access to sugar-containing foods and beverages. This can be done by installing a water fountain, or by putting their food in a puzzle feeder that only dispenses kibble after your cat has solved a puzzle! You can also try brushing your cat’s teeth with cat toothpaste like Petrodex Dental Care Cat Dental Kit, which contains chlorhexidine to fight plaque and help keep your cat’s mouth clean.

Of course, it's important not to overlook regular dental checkups at least once a year. Most cats will never need more than routine care; however, if you notice any changes in behavior or pain while eating, it could be time for a trip to see Dr. Meyers!

How Does it Work?

If you’re anything like me, your pet is a part of your family. They’re just as important as anyone else in my household. While they do a good job taking care of themselves most of the time, I still worry about their overall health and well-being. After all, they don’t go to see a dentist every six months. That’s why I started looking for cat toothpaste and came across a product called Nylabone Dental Chews. These chews are designed to clean your cat’s teeth while also freshening their breath. As an added bonus, they contain fluoride which helps prevent cavities! It’s really easy to use these chews too – simply give them one or two each day and watch as plaque starts disappearing from their teeth. It may take a few weeks before you notice any changes but once you do, it will be hard not to smile when you look at them! Just make sure that if you have more than one cat that each one gets their own chew so no one feels left out!

What Are the Benefits?

It's been a long-standing tradition that brushing your teeth helps you maintain healthy teeth and gums. It makes sense, but what if you could help your cat keep his or her pearly whites clean as well? That was one of our driving ideas behind creating CatsPaw - we wanted to create an effective toothpaste for cats that will deliver similar benefits as traditional toothpastes for humans. With regular use, CatsPaw works to strengthen enamel and control tartar buildup so cats can have healthier teeth and gums! This is especially important because studies show that nearly half of all cats over 3 years old have some form of periodontal disease. We're here to change that with a simple solution: good oral hygiene practices like brushing your cat's teeth daily with CatsPaw. Read on below for more information about how it works!

Could This Actually be Effective?

There are a number of products available on pet store shelves that address oral health issues in dogs, so it’s not entirely unreasonable that cat owners would want similar offerings. Studies have shown that regular toothbrushing and flossing can significantly decrease a dog’s risk of developing dental issues, though it is also important to limit your dog’s access to things like tennis balls, sticks, and bones as these can wear down teeth.

Where Can I Buy It?

Pet stores will begin carrying cat toothpaste later in 2015. If you have trouble finding it, or have a question about something mentioned on this page, be sure to contact Petal Fresh Cosmetics directly via phone or email. To find out more about why cat toothpaste can help your pet keep their teeth healthy and strong.

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